Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Just Rambling

First, I want to say that I am honored that you took the time to read my blog. I am totally new to this and a little anxious. What you will find on this blog is a mom who is sharing her heart, thoughts and sometimes fears while going through this Adoption Journey. I have been reluctant to blog because it seems weird that people would be interested in what I might have to say.

I have been encouraged to blog during this journey to encourage others but mainly to keep a journal for my baby girl until I hold her in my arms. I am so blessed to have a wonderful husband, and three biological children already in my life and now to think that God is allowing us to parent another child is overwhelming to me at times.

The title of my blog is Mai Joy Be in Our Home. I am not a great speller...I am sure you will see that very quickly...but in this case I meant to spell May that way because our daughter's name is going to be Mailynn Joy. So trying to be creative and use a little play on words there.

We have had a long journey. Our Journey started back in 2008. Long story, many of you already know it and have been a part of it. I will post that later. God is so good and faithful in what He puts in our hearts He is faithful to bring it forth in His timing. Which is sometimes difficult and is usually NEVER on our timeline. His ways are greater and higher than anything we can comprehend and His ways are best...better than I could ever even dream up for myself.



  1. I'm so excited you decided to start blogging. Can't wait to read more!

  2. I'm so excited to see you blogging! It's a great way to get all your feelings and ideas down and one day, you'll want to share these things with your new little one!

    If you need any help with backgrounds or if you'd like me to do a header for you, let me know! I'd be thrilled to do it for you!
